Campbell County Democratic Party
Thursday, January 16, 2025
George Amos Memorial Building, Gillette
The January meeting of the newly active Campbell County Democratic Party was called to order by State Organizer, Greg Haas at 6:05 p.m. Eight people were in attendance, including Organizer Haas.
Everyone introduced themselves. It was agreed that Greg could chair the meeting and show us how he does it as Chair of the Johnson County Democratic Party.
The Pledge of Allegiance was reaffirmed.
Greg read the items on the meeting’s agenda and asked 3x for approval of the agenda, which was given.
Secretary’s Report: Notes from the December 2024 meeting were summarized in lieu of formal minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: A summary was given of cash donations, as well as in-kind donations for the Dec. and Jan. meetings. Greg recommended that the local party set up a checking account, since we have a chairperson and are reactivating.
Chair Announcements: Heidi Kennedy has been appointed by Joe Barbuto, State Democratic Party Chairman, to be our county chairperson. She reported that she has been preparing by attending trainings put on by the state party, and by setting up a website (, as well as social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Blue Sky. Heidi would like to make sure we are able to contact and connect with every registered Democrat in Campbell County, invite them to our meetings, and build up the local party. As part of the state’s theme of “Here for Good”, she suggested bringing canned goods or nonperishable items to the February meeting to stock some Free Little Pantries around town.
Old Business: Greg spoke about the role of precinct committee people. Precincts are allowed a female and male precinct person. They represent the Democrats in their precinct to the county party, and vice versa, represent the county party to the people in their precinct. The precinct people are the ones with the votes at the county level. It is not a very hard job, and precinct people can decide what level of communication they want to have with Dems in their precinct, whether it’s by sending postcards, knocking on doors, or inviting people to a barbecue. Three Democrats at the meeting volunteered to serve as precinct people.
New Business: Greg asked if anyone knew of any meetings or events coming up that would be of interest to the local party and encouraged people to share those with Heidi. The Democratic State Central Committee meeting and Nellie Tayloe Ross dinner will be held in Cheyenne on Sat., Feb. 8. He also mentioned that County Party officer elections are held in March of the odd-numbered years. The state party will elect officers, including a new Chairperson, probably on May 17, 2025.
Announcements from the Floor: None.
Fundraising: Greg said that Act Blue is the Democratic party’s online fundraising platform. He also recommended passing the hat at all county party meetings and events. As far as what our money can be spent on, he said Johnson County Dems help with advertising for local and state Democratic candidates, scholarships for local high school students (creates goodwill in the community), publicity like billboards, and hosting joint events with the Sheridan County Dems.
Adjournment: Heidi adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the George Amos Memorial Building in Gillette. More information can be found on the CCDP website.
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Ebertz