Letter To The Editor: Opposing House Bill 46 Homeschool Freedom Act

A photo of the Wyoming capitol building located in Cheyenne Wyoming

On January 21st, 2025 the Gillette News Record published a letter to the editor written by Campbell County Democratic Party Chairwoman in opposition of House Bill 46 – Homeschool Freedom Act.

Letter To The Editor

I am concerned about House Bill 46 and its implications for the education of Wyoming children.

While I wholeheartedly support the right of parents to homeschool their children, I believe it is crucial to implement more rigorous checks and balances to ensure all children receive the education necessary to thrive as successful and productive adults.

Most parents who choose homeschooling have the best interests of their children in mind, aiming to impart important personal values such as religion. And I agree with that right! However, there’s a small minority of cases where parents may exploit the system to evade scrutiny.

As a legal guardian of two teenage boys who suffered significant physical and educational neglect under their biological parent’s homeschooling efforts, I have witnessed firsthand the consequences of inadequate oversight. These boys received less than 10 hours of schooling over two years, resulting in severe academic and social challenges. One of these boys, 16, spells at a fourth-grade level, which will significantly affect his ability to function in the adult world in two years. My husband and I are working with these two boys to get them up to level academically and socially, but it’s a difficult task.

House Bill 46, which removes the requirement for parents to list a curriculum with the state, raises considerable concern. Currently, parents can choose any curriculum without state approval, but this does not guarantee a foundational education in essential subjects. I believe we need more oversight for homeschoolers, not less.

I want to reiterate that I want Wyoming families to be able to choose homeschooling for their children. But I’d like to see that the curriculum meets basic education needs and that someone occasionally checks on these children to make sure they are not being neglected or abused.

I urge you to contact your representatives and ask them to oppose House Bill 46, as it jeopardizes vulnerable children and undermines their right to a quality education.

Heidi Kennedy


How Does HB 0046 Read?

You can find the official record of House Bill 46 on WyoLeg.gov but the bill reads as follows:


Homeschool freedom act.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Strock, Andrew, Angelos, Campbell, K, Haroldson, Heiner, Neiman, Ottman and Rodriguez-Williams



AN ACT relating to education; removing the requirement that a home-based educational program submit curriculum to the local school board; removing a provision relating to the failure to submit curriculum; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 21‑4‑102(b) is amended to read:

214102.  When attendance required; exemptions; withdrawal.  

(b)  A home‑based educational program shall meet the requirements of a basic academic educational program pursuant to W.S. 21‑4‑101(a)(vi). It shall be the responsibility of every person administering a home‑based educational program to submit ensure a curriculum to the local board of trustees each year showing is administered to pupils in the program that the program complies with the requirements of this subsection. Failure to submit a curriculum showing compliance is prima facie evidence that the home‑based educational program does not meet the requirements of this article.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2025.








One response to “Letter To The Editor: Opposing House Bill 46 Homeschool Freedom Act”

  1. […] You can find the entire letter and the content of the Bill on the Campbell County Dems website HERE. […]