Campbell County Democratic Party
Thursday, February 20, 2025
George Amos Memorial Building, Gillette
The February meeting of the newly active Campbell County Democratic Party was called to order by Chairwoman Heidi Kennedy at 6:13 pm. Five people were present including Heidi.
The Pledge of Allegiance was affirmed, and introductions were made.
The meeting agenda was passed out and approved.
The acting Secretary, Karin Ebertz, summarized the minutes of the January meeting for those who had not had a chance to read them. Meeting minutes are available on the CCDP website:
Treasurer’s Report:
- Heidi Kennedy as acting treasurer reported on donations and expenses.
- The local party can set up a checking account once the old account has been located and closed. Fundraising activities can also start then.
Announcements from the Chair:
- Heidi handed out three items, a Wyoming Voter Registration Application Form with Instructions, posters encouraging people to join the CCDP that we can hang in windows, and a flyer with information on becoming a precinct committeeperson. For anyone registering to vote, please inform them that they cannot sign the form until they’re in front of a notary public.
- Heidi has also been in contact with the News-Record and County 17 to add our meetings to their calendar of events.
Old Business:
- Officer elections will be held at our March 20, 2025 meeting. Nominations can be taken for individuals or as a slate of officers. Please be thinking about how you can help grow the county party, whether as a local officer or precinct person. So far, Heidi, Karin Ebertz, and Sharon Norfolk have volunteered to be precinct women.
- Adopt-a-Highway: Heidi contacted WYDOT and was given 3 possible
sections of highway for our organization to keep clean. The group chose the
junction of highways 14-16 and 59 in Gillette as the stretch we’d like to adopt,
for its visibility. WYDOT will provide trash bags and other supplies for us. - Adopt-a-City-Planter: Heidi hasn’t heard back from the City yet about this.
New Business:
- A Calendar of events, especially local governmental board meetings, was attached to the agenda. Anyone who’s interested is encouraged to attend.
- Vote on opening a P.O. box: Heidi will rent a small box for 3 months.
- Possible table at Gillette College Career Fair: This would be held on Thurs., March 27 from 10-3. A banner for our party can be made at Area 59 for $30.
Other Business and Resolutions:
- Call for Talent: Heidi asked members if they have talents such as Spanish fluency, or the ability to drive people to the polls as examples.
Announcements from the floor:
- Bring canned or nonperishable food items to the March meeting that can be taken to replenish some of the free Little Pantries around town.
- Karin asked if we could look at some t-shirt designs for party members.
- The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6 PM at the George Amos Building, downtown Gillette.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Ebertz,
Acting Secretary